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Why Sweden must manage accelerating technological development
The pace of technological development is rapid and accelerating. The boundaries between the physical, digital and biological worlds are blurring. Technologies from various areas are being combined and used in new areas of application. This has resulted in advancements in fields such as robotics, artificial intelligence, biotechnology and autonomous vehicles.
Managing accelerating technological development – publication
Collaborative understanding, testing and change
Accelerating technological developments challenge existing working methods. When development is rapid, and the future looks uncertain, broader and more extensive collaboration is required. By working together to understand rapid technological progress, testing in a real-world environment and gradually implementing change, the potential of technological advances can be harnessed, and risks managed.
Collaborative understanding, testing and change – publication
Government agency responsibility from a holistic approach
Komet presents a model for considering agency responsibility from a holistic approach consisting of three components: sustainability and ethics, collaboration and learning, and legal certainty and effectiveness. In a time of rapid transformation and changing technological conditions, the model can be used to facilitate development of governance and monitoring.
Government agency responsibility from a holistic approach – publication
Testing – a working method for quicker learning
Innovation and new technology are needed to achieve a sustainable society. The business sector and public sector actors should both use testing strategically and purposefully as a tool for responsible innovation and renewal of technology and regulatory frameworks. Using as a working method promotes creativity and provides an understanding of problems and what is being tested.
Testing – a working method for quicker learning – publication
Annual Report 2020 – English summary
The annual report describes the work of The Committee for Technological Innovation and Ethics (Komet) in 2020 and plans for 2021.
The report was presented to the Swedish government December 21, 2020.
Processing personal data for sample size calculations prior to clinical research
English summary of a report presenting description and analysis of the legal conditions for care providers to perform the processing of personal data required to calculate whether patient populations are large enough prior to initiate a clinical research study.
The report (in Swedish) was presented to the Swedish government September 2nd, 2020.
Written by Jon Simonsson for the OECD-OPSI blog.
Published on June 23, 2020